Monday, 10 April 2017

What have I been doing?

The garden has called for my entire attention and energy for weeks and weeks. But still I've managed to keep printing and making my ceramic figurines and generally keeping the galleries well stocked.

I've also turned my attention to more 3D mediums. I got this crave to learn stone masonry, having the Purbeck quarries so close and several places where to learn, but for some reason I signed up to wood carving first. I guess I thought it was a gentler way to get into sculpture.

Thus I've been looking and been inspired by loads of artists. I didn't know for example that Alexander Calder had done wood sculpture:

And I discovered the work of Baselitz:

The amazing work of Feliciano Mejia:

And of course any African wood sculpture is a masterpiece.

And so I've sacrificed my meditation summer house into a new studio, my mini summer-wood- sculpture-studio. 

Any of this activities anyway (ceramic, wood sculpting...) are a kind of meditation and I always work in silence, no radio, no music, just the birds and my thoughts. 

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