Monday, 9 July 2012

more wetness

And Tlaloc doesn't show any signs of stopping his shower power in these islands. People complain but I don't. I moved to this country for the rain so I am the happiest. It may not be so good for weddings or art fairs but I prefer rain a thousand times than drought and unbearable heat.

So this weekend I was again just the glamorous assistant of my printmaker husband who gets to be invited to all these nice art fairs. This one was in Childwickbury, in the Stanley Kubrick state. The printmakers and other artists were demonstrating in the stables.

Another thing I like of these fairs is the people we meet there. Geri Waddington was among the printmakers. She gave me some very useful engraving tips and showed me how to do some things properly. Also in the crowd my little bookbinding press was recognized by their former owners!

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