Friday, 10 August 2012


A couple of years back Cecily the bike and I embarked on a Jane Austen tour around Hampshire. Our main stop was in Chawton, the house where Jane was the happiest and where she wrote and corrected all her novels. Unfortunately -for accommodation problems- my visit then was hurried and short and didn't have time to see the house in detail.

I was invited this time to come again and talk about future exhibitions in the House. It was great. I had a couple of days full sun, rain, plans, tea, cakes and Regency surroundings. I stayed right across the road from Jane's house, at my own little cottage, which I highly commend to any respectable Austen fan.

Thank you Annalie! thank you Louise!

1 comment:

Emilie said...

How exciting!
I hope you had a nice trip. :-)