Monday, 28 November 2011

Letters, more letters and a new -old- machine.

The last few days have been of utter happiness. My excellent sister Nini sent me a fraction of the mountain of wood type she got for me a few months ago in Mexico with the help of my excellent friend Acely. Thank you girls!!!

I've been sorting, cleaning and nursing them. They have definitely seen better days. Nini also sent me some more pictures of the place she went to buy them. I think there may be at least five complete fonts, along with loads of images. I can see in one of the photos some wrestlers and boxers.

The next day my excellent husband took me to Gravesend, a small town in Kent to pick up a beautiful little Adana 8X5, the next piece in my stationary project. The machine has also seen better days, but it was in perfect working condition and it came with loads of goodies. Chases, quoins, keys, etc. And -yeah!- more type.
You can see the new member of the studio here, getting acquainted with her studio mates, the proofing press and the mac.

Gravesend, by the way, is were poor Princess Pocahontas is resting. Such a sad story, her ship was on the way back to Virginia when she fell ill and died in that place. I HAD to pay a visit.

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