Friday, 14 January 2011


My new obsession. Or rather the new tool for the studio arrived yesterday. My beautiful proofing press!

Remember I was going to buy an amazing Smith Press? Well, at the end we couldn't find anybody in Mexico to help us see if the machine was complete and in working order. So with pain in my heart I had to say goodbye to that one. And as consolation prize I got this American proofing press with all the stuff necessary to start frolicking around with.

Well, everything except type. That is a different story and will talk about it tomorrow. I am too happy today. Thank you Nini, you are the best sister!

By the way, if you are interested in this letterpress thing, there is a VERY good exhibition of letterpress artists and practitioners in Hoxton Square, well, not quite Hoxton Square. See the directions HERE, but hurry, it will be until the 22nd of January.

1 comment:

Michelle Roebuck said...

Jazmin - have you discovered the St Bride Library (just off Fleet Street, near Blackfriars Bridge)? - Open access: The Print Workshop is available for hire to established printers as well as letterpress enthusiasts and students