Tuesday, 16 November 2010

so far

I'm in Mexico. It took my body around five days to adjust (a headache for two days, dizziness, lack of antibodies, etc)

Every time I come I gain seven kilos, but this time, with the help of don Manuel, my great new boxing manager I will try to keep those kilos away.

I've seen some friends. I've visited the Buddhist Center, where I used to meditate, the same Buddhist Order where I teach in London. I've seen the exhibition in the Children's Book Fair at El Centro de las Artes where they just hanged one of my illustrations! what an outrage. Actually they just hanged one of each illustrator, but more on that to come...


Mario C said...

ven más seguido

Visuddhimati said...

Hi there,
I hope you are feeling better now and having a great time in Mexico.