Saturday 21 June 2008

parcel from Mexico!

My sister Nini is the best. Today I got a parcel from her with loads of fantastic goodies. First of all this mask of the best wrestler of all (after el Santo and Machete, that is) Mystico! and the collar too. Lo-ve-ly.

Also a bunch of games we used to play, the original ones: Snakes and ladders, El Juego de la Oca, a pirinola, spanish cards etc. Happiness!


Tim Budden said...

Wow! I love the mask and those fists sent shivers down my spine. Are you going to practice a blend of Tai Chi and Mexican wrestling?

Christine Clemmensen said...

Oohh - coolness. The mask and the games look great. And congrats on finding a name for Its Majesty:)
I really like your book illustrations